Village Council Section :: Page 40
Village Council— Revised code to allow flexibility
The recent zoning code revision includes changes to allow more flexibility in the code that aligns with goals articulated during the 2010 community visioning project, according to a summary of the update presented to Village Council at Council’s Aug. 6 meeting.
Village Council—Revenues drop slightly in ’12
Revenues in the Village general fund budget have dropped 11 percent overall compared to a year ago this time, according to Village Finance Director Sharon Potter at Council’s Aug. 6 meeting.
Council votes down streetscape plan, supports fracking ban
Village Council made two unexpected decisions at its Aug. 20 meeting, voting in favor of a municipal ban on fracking and injection wells, and against a controversial street scape redesign project.
Council votes on streetscape Aug. 20
At its Aug. 6 meeting, fewer people showed up for Village Council’s discussion on the proposed streetscape changes than at Council’s last meeting, and fewer people spoke against the changes.
Council puts drilling ban on hold for now
At the Aug. 6 Village Council meeting, a group of citizens urged Council to be the first municipality in the state to ban oil and gas drilling in town in an effort to protect local water.
Tree talk continues tonight
A discussion on the proposed changes to the downtown streetscape, including the removal of Bradford pear trees, will take place tonight, Aug. 6, at 7 p.m. at the Village Council meeting at the Bryan Center.
Timeline for zoning revision
At the July 16 Village Council meeting, Council member Lori Askeland announced an upcoming process to introduce villagers to proposed changes in the Village zoning code.
Village Council— Street trees spark debate
A standing-room only crowd filled Council chambers Monday night, when villagers weighed in on proposed changes to the downtown streetscape, with many expressing distress about the prospect of losing downtown trees
Streetscape design clarified
Downtown will get a makeover this summer — and it’s not just the sidewalks.
Curliss is new Village manager
Yellow Springs Interim Manager Laura Curliss has been named the village’s permanent manager by Village Council.
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