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Zoning code update focus of meeting tonight

Village Council and the Planning Commission will hold a special meeting to consider the recent revision of the Village zoning code tonight, Sept. 6, at 6 p.m. in Council chambers. The public is encouraged to attend.

“We are serious about getting your input,” Consultant Paul LeBlanc said at an open house for the revised code last week. “We want to make sure the final code is tailored to this community.”

The current zoning code was last revised in the early 1980s, so that it is currently out of date and difficult to use, according to LeBlanc at the open house. Revising the code to make it more clearly fit village goals was one of the main action steps that emerged from the 2010 village visioning effort.

Specifically, according to LeBlanc, the revised code will allow for more diverse housing options, including accessory apartments and smaller lot sizes that could help encourage the construction of more affordable housing. The revised code also encourages mixed use districts, rather than separating housing and business from each other, as was the fashion in the 1980s, LeBlanc said.

A second special meeting on the revised code between Council and Planning Commission will take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 25, also at Council chambers. Council will then debate the final code at regular meetings in November and December.

For a longer article on last week’s open house, see the Sept. 6 edition of the Yellow Springs News.


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