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Village Council Section :: Page 25

  • Village Council — CBE engineering contract approved

    At its Aug. 21 regular meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a contract for engineering services on the Village-owned property known as the CBE on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Council eyes option for smaller, denser housing

    Recently Village Council considered a new zoning category for small homes that encourage community.

  • Village Council— New efforts for broadband

    A local group of municipal broadband supporters will continue its effort to bring a fiber optic network to Yellow Springs, following the decision of Village government leaders to not move forward with creating and funding a municipal network.

  • Council on policing— Guidelines stress anti-racism

    At Village Council’s July 3 meeting, Council members unanimously approved adopting new guidelines for policing that take a proactively inclusive and anti-racist stance.

  • Mayor, Council races spark interest as filing deadline nears

    Yellow Springs community residents interested in getting involved in local governing will find a variety of opportunities in this year’s elections.

  • Jobs, business first choice for CBE land

    Most villagers who weighed in on the topic would like to see the land known as the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, used in a way that promotes local economic development.

  • Village Council supports Home, Inc.’s ‘Glen Cottages’

    At Village Council’s July 3 meeting, Council members unanimously voted to waive utility tap and zoning fees for Glen Cottages, the newest project of Home, Inc.

  • Yellow Springs Village Council supports Paris accord

    At their June 19 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a resolution in support of the Paris climate agreement, brought to Council by the local organization Mothers Out Front.

  • Yellow Springs Village Council stalled on hotel tax

    In Village Council’s first vote on whether to impose a local lodging tax on transient visitors, Council members came up deadlocked at their June 19 meeting.

  • Village Council— New policing guidelines discussed

    Local policing was in the spotlight at Village Council’s April 17 meeting. Council members discussed proposed new guidelines for Village policing, as well as next steps in the Village’s search for a permanent police chief. In addition, a new full-time police officer, Mariah England, was sworn into the local department.

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