Village Council Section :: Page 24
Village Council— Blacks get more citations
African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.
Village Council moves to create social work job within YSPD
At Village Council’s Dec. 4 meeting, Council members and the Yellow Springs Police Department moved closer to hiring a full-time community outreach specialist, a new position that leaders hope strengthens the department’s ability to address social-service related calls.
A strong budget for 2018
At their Nov. 20 meeting, Village Council members gave final approval to the 2018 Village budget, which was described as looking healthier than budgets of recent years.
Today is officially Mayor Foubert Day
Nov. 25 is “David Foubert Day,” per a Nov. 20 proclamation by Village Council.
Village Council — Airbnb regulation in question
Village Council continued to grapple at its Oct. 16 meeting with how best to regulate local Airbnb lodging, and whether proposed legislation is too restrictive.
Villagers asked to weigh in — Housing survey launched
Yellow Springs residents are being asked by Village government to take part in a survey about local housing and housing needs.
JSTF reports to Council — Police changes in process
Since its inception about a year ago, the Justice System Task Force, or JSTF, has made several recommendations for changes at the Yellow Springs Police Department.
Village Council — ‘Pocket’ neighborhoods pass
At its Sept. 18 meeting, Village Council gave final approval to a new development tool that allows smaller, denser housing in Yellow Springs.
Village Council— Town-gown ties strong
Antioch College President Tom Manley praised the way the college and Yellow Springs, both “extraordinary places,” support one other.
Village Council— Housing study takes shape
By the end of the year, the Village may have answers to questions of housing in Yellow Springs, thanks to a planned housing needs assessment, or HNA, to be conducted by an outside firm.
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