
Village Life Section :: Page 59

  • Celebrate Pride 2020 in Yellow Springs

    The Yellow Springs Pride Committee will kick off the annual Pride celebrations with a car parade on Saturday, June 27, followed by live streamed speakers, music and the announcement of the winners of the “Most Prideful Yard” contest.

  • Glen Helen capital campaign— GHA seeks to raise $3.5M

    Rebecca Jaramilla, director of the Raptor Center at Glen Helen Nature Preserve, handled Velocity, a female peregrine falcon, during a raptor photography program at the center on Sunday, Feb. 24. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    Glen Helen isn’t open — yet. But the Glen’s new future owner is moving rapidly to raise funds, restore staff and work to reopen the 1,000-acre local nature preserve, which has been closed to the public since late March due to COVID-19.

  • ‘Worrisome’ COVID-19 rise in Greene County and SW Ohio

    Greene County is one of five southwest Ohio counties in which COVID-19 cases are rising, even as cases overall are falling in Ohio. Gov. Mike DeWine called the trend “worrisome” at his June 18 press briefing.

  • A closer look at COVID’s first wave

    In light of reopening, the News reviews how the pandemic has played out so far in the village and county, and looks at plans to reduce the spread of the virus as the shutdown comes to an end.

  • Yellow Springs’ own ‘Cassandra’: An interview with Dr. Allen Hunt

    This week, the News spoke with Dr. Allen Hunt, who was one of the earliest to sound the alarm about an impending pandemic. He addresses how the shutdown limited deaths from COVID-19, projections for a second wave, a potential vaccine and the problem with waiting for “herd immunity.”

  • Antioch to sell Glen Helen to local nonprofit

    Birch Creek cascades, five dry days later. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Antioch College and the Glen Helen Association announced on Wednesday that they have finalized an “agreement in principle” to transfer Glen Helen Nature Preserve from the college to the GHA. The purchase price is $2.5 million, payable over 10 years.

  • No deal yet on Glen Helen

    After more than 50 years in an environment that was never meant for large conifers, the Glen’s pine forest appers to be thinning to extinction. (Photo by Jeff Simons)

    The fate of Glen Helen remains uncertain this week, with no deal yet between Antioch College and the Glen Helen Association, or GHA, a nonprofit group separate from the college.

  • Crash victim known for kindness, heart

    Abstracts by local artists Martin Borchers will be on display in a collaborative show, “Artifacts of Vacuity,” at The Winds Cafe that opens Jan. 15. (photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

    By all accounts, Martin Harold Benedict Borchers was in a pretty good place in his life Wednesday morning, May 27, before the car he was driving went off the right side of a narrow country road and hit a utility pole head on.

  • ‘We have to trust the math’: An interview with Dr. Skip Leeds

    Two weeks ago, Yellow Springs News editor Megan Bachman spoke with local physician Dr. Stuart “Skip” Leeds by phone to get his take on COVID-19 in the state of Ohio and Yellow Springs. He addresses masks, Ohio’s reopening plan, early pandemic projections, the possibility of a second wave and local responses to the threat.

  • COVID-19 update— Nursing homes vulnerable

    Nursing homes across Ohio have adopted similar measures, and all have been operating under visitor restrictions since ordered to do so by the state health department on March 13.

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