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Recreation Section :: Page 2

  • YS gets biking, walking funds

    Yellow Springs was recently one of five municipalities in Ohio to be awarded  funding to make the village more walker- and biker-friendly.

  • Tearing up the Pavement

    The skate park at the Bryan Center in Yellow Springs gets a decent amount of action throughout the year. Here are some images of Mark and Austin surfing the pavement earlier this week.

  • Perry League: 2017 T-ball season ends in song

    More than 50 kids and 150 adults celebrated another summer of Perry League T-ball at last Friday night’s end-of-summer potluck. The evening included fence-climbing and anthem-singing, plus the usual T-ball antics and fun. Shown above are Maddie McGuire and Zander Breza with Coach Jimmy Chesire. (Sbmitted photo)

    Thank you, all you children, all you kids, all you rapscallions, who come play with us. We are grateful to you and hope to see you all here, there, everywhere, as we plan to do this all over again next summer.

  • Yucky balls and divine mud

    It’s been an unusually wet month. WHIOTV7 weather says we’ve had 4.04 inches of rain this month and that the normal amount of rain in July is 2.91 inches. “This isn’t T-ball,” Erin Fink exclaimed. “It’s mud ball!”

  • Major League Baseball: Dodgers win season

    The 2017 Minor League post-season tournament lingers on, thanks to more rain last weekend that delayed the championship game not just once, but twice.

  • Cool kids

    Monday afternoon local friends Edwin Harra, Ashby Lyons and Carson Funderburg enjoyed swimming at the pool on a rare day without showers. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Some villagers found relief from the heat last week at the Gaunt Park pool, although abundant rain and several storms made swimming iffy.

  • A muddlicious time at T-ball

    I love the mud balls and mud puddles. In fact, I yearn for the days before the Village put in drainage pipes, which drain the field after a good rain, forever eliminating the great six-foot-diameter, 28 square feet of water puddles of yesteryear.

  • Tom’s Market Pirates top Minor League

    The Tom’s Market Pirates continued their late season rally last week with three victories and won the overall 2017 Minor League regular season championship by just a half-game over the Peach’s Dodgers.

  • T-Ball: Blasting Coach and other adventures

    Why don’t you come on out and let our kids throw some baseballs at you, Friday nights, 6:30 at Gaunt Park? You might like it. Then again, you might not.

  • Major League Baseball: Orioles pound out hits

    Last week’s rains took a heavy toll on local rec baseball league schedules, with both the Minor and Major leagues able to complete only one official game each.

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