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Village Schools Section :: Page 95

  • New art, math is the focus at MLS

    As summer break comes to an end next week, students may not be aware that staff has been back for several weeks already preparing for an energetic return to school. With 359 students anticipated, the school is at near full capacity, Principal Christine Hatton said in an interview last week. First and fifth grades are […]

  • Better food for village schools?

    On Aug. 5 school board members voted for the first major change to the school lunch program since 1994. The board unanimously chose Sodexo, one of the largest multinational food service providers, over Child Nutrition Services, which had been providing the service. Parents in attendance urged the board to try the new vendor, but also […]

  • Schools to bus fewer students

    It is unclear at present exactly how many students the Yellow Springs schools’ new transportation policy affects, but it appears that most of the students who reside within the school district are currently ineligible to ride the bus. Yellow Springs school board addressed the changes to the district’s transportation schedule at its most recent Committee […]

  • New dean, home room at YSHS

    When students arrive for their first day back to Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School on Wednesday, Aug. 26, the first thing they will notice is a spritely young woman they don’t recognize greeting them at the door. They don’t know her yet, but by the end of the week they might feel like they’ve known Julie Speelman all their lives.

  • Armocida takes interim job

    On Wednesday, July 29, the Yellow Springs Board of Education approved former longtime Yellow Springs superintendent Tony Armocida as the district’s interim superintendent for one year.

  • Glismann leaves this week

    Yellow Springs schools Superintendent Norm Glismann is leaving his job after two years because he did not feel he was a good fit with the community or the school district, he said. “I have professional and personal values that had to be put on the back burner too often,” he said in an interview Tuesday. […]

  • Amid funding questions, open enrollment remains

    First, consider a national recession with deep effects on state and local revenue streams. Add a host of educational reform standards proposed by the governor in the state’s hotly contested biennium budget. Then, pass an education plan (and supporting budget) that is based on these state and local revenue streams that are not only decreasing, but shifting in other unpredictable ways.

  • A run for awareness, support

    [W]iggins, an incoming freshman at Yellow Springs High School, almost never found out that she loves to run. And she certainly never considered joining the school’s cross country team. Running was too hard, she thought, and she wasn’t good enough to join a team.

  • Schools end year in black

    At the July 9 school board meeting, Treasurer Joy Kitzmiller reported that the Yellow Springs school district ended the financially challenging 2008–2009 fiscal year in the black.

  • Board of education — School collaboration sought

    At the June 11 Yellow Springs Board of Education regular meeting, board member Richard Lapedes announced the beginnings of a new pilot program to encourage collaborative inter-district programming throughout Greene County, spearheaded by Governor Strickland and Jane Dockery of Wright State’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA).

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