(Photo by Reilly Dixon)
Top guns
- Published: June 23, 2021
Come out to Gaunt Park on a sunny Saturday afternoon, and you’ll likely see a sizable group of sweaty people doing jumping jacks. Then squats. Then burpees. Then push ups. Lunges. Crunches. More squats. Then, after it all, hill sprints up the steep slope of the infamous Gaunt Park hill. Welcome to Kyle Truitt’s weekly outdoor fitness classes. He calls them “Bootcamps.”
A lifelong villager and owner of Yellow Springs-based gym, the Posterior Chain, Truitt has led these Bootcamps for the past four summers. Open to the public, each Bootcamp brings in a diverse group of exercisers — often people with markedly different physical capabilities and fitness goals. Ages can range from 20 to 70 years old. As Truitt leads each exercise, he provides participants with modifications that may be challenging, but never overextending.
To join in the classes, Truitt asks that participants bring $10, which he then donates to charitable causes, typically centered around social justice initiatives. Participants are also encouraged to bring plenty of water, sunscreen and an exercise mat or towel. Bootcamps begin every Saturday at 11:30 a.m., and typically begin around the picnic bench to the right of the park entrance.
For more information on Bootcamps or the Posterior Chain, as well as contact information, go to http://www.posteriorchain.net.
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