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  • Dorothy Clark memorial

    The community is invited to attend a celebration of the life of Dorothy J. Clark, who passed away Oct. 23. The event will occur Sunday, Dec. 14, 3–5 p.m., in the Westminster Hall of the First Presbyterian Church. Guests are invited to share anecdotes and other memories in her honor.

  • Frances Shaw

    Frances L. Shaw of Yellow Springs died Saturday, Dec. 6, in the Friends Care Center. She was 83. She was born in Xenia on Jan. 5, 1925, the daughter of Luther Smith and Anna Beatrice (Stivers) Hill.

  • Feature photo: Table for two…hundred?!

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Get great goods, greater good locally

    Across the country last weekend, crowds of frenzied shoppers descended upon big box stores to find bargains for the holidays, standing in line overnight, pounding on doors, and then, at opening time, dashing down aisles to grab bargains.

  • Popular pick for WYSO

    The prayers of many WYSO supporters were answered this week when Antioch University hired long-time radio producer Neenah Ellis as general manager of its public radio station. Ellis replaces Paul Maassen, who left the station in March to be the general manager of a bigger public radio station in New Orleans.

  • YS Promise moves ahead

    What if someone told you that if your child goes through the Yellow Springs Schools, he or she will be eligible to receive a scholarship to attend college? Wouldn’t you want to move here and send your kids to school here?

  • Rwandans open up world for YS

    It was an ordinary night in the village. Traven was showing Tony — both Yellow Springs High School students — how to make Rice Crispy treats. Another student, Kelly, was doing homework alongside her brothers and sisters.

  • Having a ball

  • Martha Riddle

    Martha Adams McIntyre Riddle, a former Yellow Springs resident and member of Central Chapel AME Church, died on Nov. 19, at the Maranatha Care Center in Brooklyn Center, Minn.

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