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  • First fling of spring

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Antioch edges toward a deal

    As the task force charged with negotiating the separation of Antioch University from the college passed the midway mark last week on its way toward finalizing an agreement, college alumni representatives were working furiously to raise the money to insure a successful independent college.

  • New rules to help regulate farmer’s market

    In an effort to better organize and provide security for the Yellow Springs Farmer’s Market in Kings Yard, this year market organizers have for the first time created a set of guidelines for vendors. Among the new rules are that vendors must apply for and pay for a space, they must have liability insurance, and they are limited to selling items that were either grown or made in their home county.

  • Ellis brings radio magic to WYSO

    During the recent spring fundraiser for WYSO Public Radio, new General Manager Neenah Ellis was frequently on the air. In broadcasting jargon, she was making a pitch for cash, but her presence didn’t seem that of a salesperson. Rather, she seemed to be a warm human being speaking deeply and directly to another.

  • Women voice triumphs, traumas, common struggles — out loud

    One woman speaks of her individual experience of growing up in the late 1920s. And as she voices her testimonial, other women recognize in her story, a shared struggle to be heard and to be empowered.

  • Youth recreational spring soccer leagues to begin

    The spring season of Yellow Springs Youth Recreational Soccer will resume the week ending Saturday, April 11. Leagues will be organized as follows: Copper Cup (ages preschool–kindergarten), Bronze Cup (first–third grades) and Silver Cup (fourth and fifth grades), which will all play Saturday mornings at Gaunt Park.

  • Joan Yalman

    Joan Osterman Yalman died at home on March 18. She was 83. Although raised in New York City, Joan learned to love small town life when she and Richard moved to Yellow Springs, where Richard taught chemistry at Antioch College.

  • Entirely ‘Too Much Fun’

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Arts Council springs ahead

    With the first toll of spring, the village will be transformed into an organized arts and culture hop as the Yellow Springs Arts Council jump-starts another year of seasonal programming.

  • ‘09 budget includes funds for greenbelt, conservation

    On Monday, March 16, Village Council unanimously approved the first reading of the 2009 Village budget. The budget includes a substantial allocation to the greenbelt fund, along with money to upgrade Village facilities for energy conservation and to fund a Village-wide visioning/planning process.

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