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Economic Sustainability Commission Vacanies

The Council for the Village of Yellow Springs is currently forming an Economic Sustainability Commission to work with the Village’s Economic Sustainability Coordinator on the following:

Provide information and make recommendations regarding Economic Sustainability in Yellow Springs; identify primary opportunities for economic development in the Village Springs and ways to support those efforts; recommend steps to further strengthen meeting local needs locally, support opportunities for skills training and mentoring and support other practices for local economic sustainability; assist in the development of an Economic Sustainability Plan; serve as a place to incubate ideas and to network among a variety of groups working on economic development in Yellow Springs; report on activities being undertaken on various fronts and cooperate in designing strategies for development; and, be a sounding board for ideas generated by businesses and citizens.

The Council will appoint members to the Commission with skills and experience in one or more of the following: Business and Finance, Economic Development, Workforce Development, Re-Localization and Community Involvement. Commission members will serve a 2-year term.  Initial terms will be staggered to provide membership stability.

Interested applicants should apply to or contact the Clerk of Council Judy Kintner at 767-9126.


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