
BLOG – “Good Morning, Yellow Springs”

Good morning, Yellow Springs! Thank you for joining us on this lovely, crisp, mid-spring-that-feels-like-early-spring day…

We begin our show this morning at the farmers’ market. Which farmers’ market, you ask? So then I ask: Isn’t it amazing that in a town of our size, one has to ask, which farmers’ market? That’s right, folks, Yellow Springs is home to no less than three farmers’ markets.

That’s approximately one farmers’ market per 1,254 people. Exponentially, that means there would be 133 farmers’ markets in Dayton. In Central Falls, Rhode Island (a city that, as you may recall, I have used as a sort of control before, in “Yellow Springs: A Primer”) there would be 15—15, in a city with a land area of just over a square mile!

photo by Vanessa Query

Yellow Springs’ farmers’ markets are not only comparatively numerous, they are special. You can’t find fresher food than at our markets. The farmers have been up nearly since the night before, harvesting and collecting the lovely foods you see before you. So fresh is the food, you may overhear a customer ask, “Is this cheese gamey?”

Drifting away from the market, the sounds of camaraderie, money changing hands, and the occasional live goat evanescing into the distance, we arrive downtown. Here you will find not an abundance of fresh produce but of public art and tourists. The intersection of these two can bring about some unexpected surprises. Recently overheard near a knit tree was: “Very strange. I wonder if I stay still long enough, will they knit around me?”

Another thing in great abundance downtown is the obvious sense of comfort of its denizens. Milling about freely, on the sidewalk or in the shops, on the outdoor benches or café tables or in the trees—it’s kind of like being in your living room.

Of course, there is no hiding downtown. No anonymity. You are free to do (and act and dress) as you please in our beloved Yellow Springs in ways you cannot in other places, but you also cannot escape everyone else—people you know, for better or for worse—who are also free to do (and act and dress) as they please.

photo by Vanessa Query

It may be your living room, but remember—your family might also be in your living room.

My mother recently visited Yellow Springs. I was supposed to meet her at the Emporium one day at 11:45 a.m. My morning yoga class ran late, so I didn’t get there until almost noon. In that time she’d already complained to some folks about my tardiness. Kurt’s response was the classic “Yellow Springs Time” excuse. John’s response was that my mother had failed in raising me and that’s why I was late. Carmen’s response to John’s response was that that’s rich coming from the guy with no kids.

After a nice big cup of coffee (a Maté Lemon Green tea for me), our short jaunt through Yellow Springs is complete.

We thank you for reading this episode of “Good Morning, Yellow Springs”. We hope this has been informative and entertaining. This edition of “Good Morning, Yellow Springs” was brought to you by mascarpone cheese from Current Cuisine, Big Calm by Morcheeba, and Chenoa. Thank you, and good morning.


3 Responses to “BLOG – “Good Morning, Yellow Springs””

  1. Vanessa Query says:

    I hear that Yvonne! Of course, there’s a difference between being 10 minutes late and 30 minutes late, but it’s more the state of not-rushing (while still being respectful) that I also like to capture.

  2. Yvonne Wingard says:

    When I first moved here, “Yellow Springs time” irritated me as an excuse for being late, but now I realize it’s just how relaxed we are. Why be in a hurry? Your morning sounded gorgeous to me, so ENJOY!

  3. Corrine Bayraktaroglu says:

    And good morning to you 🙂 fun read, and yes, don’t sit still tooooooo long 😉

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