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  • Ordinance 2010-13: 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance

    Click here to view Ordinance 2010-13: 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance.

  • BLOG – Rod Serling at Antioch College

    As you probably know, Rod Serling got his Bachelor’s degree at Antioch College. Throughout his life-long career as a writer and then producer, his Antiochian ideals were unwavering and unabashed. He felt that writers should “menace the public conscience”…

  • BLOG—Mini pepper poppers, off book

    Lauren Heaton

    I’ve always known I would never be a real chef, simply because I move too cotton pickin’ slow in the kitchen. I’m messy as all get out too. But with me the mess is a symptom of the confusion I often feel when I’m trying to follow a recipe.

  • And they’re off!

    Over a hundred women and girls participated in the second annual Simply Women’s 5k Run/Walk last Saturday morning.

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