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2010 Census results released

The population of the Village of Yellow Springs is 3,487, according to data released from the U.S. Census Bureau today. Population in the village fell from 3,761 in 2000, a 7.3 percent drop.

The population 18 years and over is 2,799, down from 3,068 in 2000, a drop of 8.8 percent. The number of white villagers decreased slightly from 2,880 to 2,725 while African-Americans in the village fell from 563 to 417.Those selecting two or more races went from 216 in 2000 to 256.

The number of housing units grew by 129 from 1,676 in 2000 to 1,805 in 2010, an increase of 7 percent. Occupied housing fell from 94.7 percent of all units to 92.6 percent while vacancy rose to 7.4 percent (133 units) from 5.3 percent. For a table of additional data, click here: YSV Ohio 2010 Census

The drop of 274 residents over the last 10 years may be due to the loss of students at Antioch College, which closed in 2008. In 2000, the census measured 607 students on campus, according to figures resident Sam Bachtell obtained in 2004 from the Census Bureau. This suggests that non-Antioch village population actually may have increased over the last ten years, up 333 residents to 3,487 in 2010, from 3,154 non-Antioch residents in 2000.

Between 1970 and 2010, the village population fell by 1,137 residents, or about 25 percent. However, Antioch had 1,041 students in 1970, so the village may have only lost 96 non-Antioch residents, about 3 percent of the village, since 1970.

The population of Greene County increased by 9.3 percent during the last ten years, while Ohio grew 1.6 percent.

Visit to read a statewide summary and download all the data.

See the March 10 issue of the Yellow Springs News for more census analysis.

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3 Responses to “2010 Census results released”

  1. Matt Cole says:

    Thanks Megan. I have read the series of editorials about housing in YS with great interest. I wonder if this data will either shed some light on the topic, or offer another angle to look at it.

  2. Megan Bachman says:

    Good question, Matt. Unfortunately this is just top-level data and it doesn’t break down ages that much (only those over and under 18 years old). We should have the full population profile next week.

    As for the number of younger families, that will be harder to assess, but we can see if the 25 to 34 age group has increased or dropped. In 2000 it was 361 people.

  3. Matt Cole says:

    I wonder what percentage of the population has changed for folks over the age of 50? Certainly with the absence of students, a greater portion of the residents are over 50. Would the data also suggest a declining number of younger families residing in the village?

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