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  • Board of Education

    Special Meeting

  • Dissolution

    of College Revival Fund Nonprofit

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

  • Lester ‘Buck’ Halderman

    Lester “Buck” Halderman, formerly of Yellow Springs, died Tuesday, June 21. He was 85.

  • Survey gives schools B, C grades

    The Yellow Springs School District district released the results of the survey this week, and overall, the community rated it “within average to above average range,” according to the survey report.

  • Council votes 3–2 on gas

    On Monday, June 20, Village Council in a close vote approved a contract with American Municipal Power, or AMP, to participate in a natural gas plant at Fremont, Ohio

  • Antioch College alumni reunion— $9 million gift announced

    The revived Antioch College needs to articulate a powerful sense of mission, both to attract students and to attract major funding sources, according to President Mark Roosevelt.

  • At t-ball, as tender as we can be

    I had a first last Friday night. When I pulled into Gaunt Park around 6:25 p.m. for our 6:30–8 p.m. evening of Perry League t-ball, there was not a soul in sight. Not a child on the diamond. Not a parent in the bleachers. Not a car in the parking lot.

  • MacQueen to leave Home, Inc.

    Emily Seibel, left, takes over as the executive director of Home, Inc. next month when Marianne MacQueen, the affordable housing group’s founding board member and first director, steps down after more than 10 years at the helm. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Almost four decades separates Home, Inc. founding board member and first director Marianne MacQueen from her successor, Emily Seibel.

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