The Creative Memories facility could be the new home of e-Health Data Solutions.
Village, Creative Memories, eHDS close to an agreement
- Published: July 14, 2011
Yesterday was the deadline by which e-Health Data Solutions was to have signed a lease for a space at Creative Memories, a solution that would allow the healthcare data management company to stay in Yellow Springs. While the two parties had not reached a final agreement at the end of the day Wednesday, the Village of Yellow Springs did “come up with a creative solution” at the final hour that could resolve and settle the deal, according to Roi Qualls, one of e-Health’s principal owners.
“The Village did come up with a creative solution in draft form late last night, and I think that’s a big hurdle overcome,” Qualls said on Wednesday. “I’m very impressed with the Village’s nimble response.”
E-Health has been looking for 5,000 square feet of professional office space to move into in Yellow Springs for several years. Creative Memories has a single 20,000-square-foot class A office space, and two weeks ago the Village offered to loan Creative Memories $30,000 to divide the space with a repayment waiver if a certain number of local jobs were created as a result.
But leveraging job creation by local businesses on the owners of the property those businesses occupy could be problematic, Qualls said in an interview last week. According to Village Economic Sustainability Coordinator Sarah Wildman yesterday, the Village was recently able to alter the terms of the loan to Creative Memories to leverage instead the use of the facility, which Creative Memories controls.
“It’s not about exact numbers now, but more about providing the space we really need to attract businesses,” Wildman said. “These terms are more realistic, so that the village in the long run will benefit from the space for development, as well as job creation and retention.”
Creative Memories Vice President of Operations Mark Lerud did not return phonecalls this week. The delay in negotiations is partly a result of two of the prime representatives being on vacation this week, according to Qualls.
Attorneys for both businesses are reviewing the terms of the agreements.
Check the YS News Web site tomorrow for updates on the local business story.
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