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Articles About Creative Memories

  • Village planners approve CBE streets

    At their meeting on April 16 Village Planning Commission approved the street dedication for the Center for Business and Education, a request to install a Verizon cellular telephone tower at Bryan Center, and rezoning of the former Creative Memories property.

  • Wellness doctor hopes to return to Village

    Dr. Donald Gronbeck hopes to open a family practice at the former Creative Memories building. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Donald Gronbeck, a 2002 Antioch College graduate, hopes to start his first practice, Yellow Springs Primary Care, the first week of May at the former Creative Memories building, fronting on Dayton Street.

  • Investors buy former Creative Memories building

    A group of California-based investors purchased the former Creative Memories building last month and have already found three potential occupants who show “substantial interest” in leasing the available space.

  • Creative Memories building— Auctioneer offers purchase

    The Antioch Company drafted a contract last week to sell its facility on East Enon Road to International Auction and Appraisal Services Worldwide, an industrial auctioneer and property manager based in Shrewsbury, Pa.

  • Creative Memories closes YS shop

    Creative Memories will close its Yellow Springs manufacturing plant at the end of April, concluding The Antioch Company’s 86-year presence in the village.

  • Many benefits of e-Health deal

    The Village has reaped many “not so obvious benefits” from its recent loan deal with Creative Memories that allowed the local business e-Health Data Solutions to stay in town, Roi Qualls, co-owner of eHDS, told Village Council at its Sept. 6 meeting.

  • YSI, ITT merger is complete

    ITT Corporation completed its acquisition of YSI Incorporated last week for a sum of $310 million, according to ITT spokesperson Laura Brockway.

  • Village, Creative Memories, eHDS close to an agreement

    E-Health Data Solutions continues talks with Creative Memories and the Village of Yellow Springs in e-Health’s search for an office space to house its growing operations.

  • New name, new head for The Antioch Company

    The year 2008 has been a momentous time of change for The Antioch Company and its leaders. With the sale of Antioch Publishing, Lee Morgan’s retirement as president and CEO of the company in June, and his wife Vicki Morgan’s retirement two months prior…

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