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Village planners approve CBE streets

At their meeting on April 16 Village Planning Commission approved the street dedication for the Center for Business and Education, a request to install a Verizon cellular telephone tower at Bryan Center, and rezoning of the former Creative Memories property, which Council also approved at its April 21 meeting (see Council article, page 8).

Regarding the CBE, the planners approved 5–0 a preliminary design plan to dedicate the right of way plan throughout the CBE, with several conditions. The approval is needed for the Village to approve another request from Community Resources to borrow $1.2 million to complete the infrastructure installation within the business park.

The right of way dedication consists of three 50-foot roadways, including two, Gateway Drive and Community Drive, that connect Dayton-Yellow Springs Road and East Enon Road to a cul-de-sac at the west end of the plat, and one road, University Way, that connects that system to the west end of the Antioch University Midwest parking lot.

The approval was granted on a host of conditions, including that 1) the final plan meets Village staff approval, 2) future property owners at the time of subdivision of the CBE grant easements along the rights of ways sufficient to install and maintain Village utility and infrastructure, 3) Education Village resolve with Antioch University Midwest the need for guaranteed access along their roadway that connects to University Way.

Planning Chair Matt Reed and planners Bill Bebko, Tim Tobey, John Struewing, and Village Council representative Lori Askeland voted 5–0 to approve the right of way design.

Verizon cellular tower coming

Plan board also approved a conditional use request from Verizon Wireless to install a wireless communications tower at the north end of the Bryan Center property. The application is nearly identical to one the Village approved for Verizon three years ago. Because the applicant didn’t install the tower within the three years the original permit was active, they were obliged to return for another permit.

Verizon proposes to construct a 120-foot cellular tower consisting of a 70-foot 18-sided monopole with five 10-foot panel antennaes stacked vertically. The plan also involves a 300-square-foot prefabricated radio equipment building. Both units would occupy a total 1,430 square feet and be surrounded by an 8-foot chain link fence topped with three strands of barbed wire.

Planners approved the request with conditions, including that the applicant respond to the ongoing need to maintain and replace landscaping around the site and along the access drive.

Construction of the tower is expected to begin perhaps this summer.

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