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Articles About Center for Business and Education

  • Village Council — Incentives sought to keep EnviroFlight here

    The Village of Yellow Springs is working to keep local insect-based feed company EnviroFlight in the village.

  • Cresco Labs planting, moving ahead

    Cresco Labs’ 50,000-square-foot facility on the western edge of Yellow Springs was recently granted a certificate of operation from the state. The company is now growing cannabis for the medical marijuana market. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last Friday, Sept. 14, Cresco Labs in Yellow Springs was granted its certificate of operation by the State of Ohio, allowing the company to begin its production of medical marijuana.

  • Cresco Labs facility taking shape

    Cresco Labs is in the midst of constructing a 50,000-square-foot marijuana cultivation facility in the village. Construction is on schedule, although the company is waiting for the state to decide on a processing application so the company can also produce oils, tinctures, patches and edibles onsite. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Construction continues apace at Cresco Labs in Yellow Springs, as the first medical marijuana grower in Ohio to break ground on a cultivation facility looks to become the first to bring its product to the state’s new medical marijuana market, which opens Sept. 8.

  • Cresco Labs gets approval from state

    Cresco Labs will break ground on the site of its upcoming medical marijuana cultivation facility on Dec. 14.

    Cresco Labs has received approval as a large-scale medical marijuana grower in Ohio, and will begin soon to construct a facility on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council — CBE engineering contract approved

    At its Aug. 21 regular meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a contract for engineering services on the Village-owned property known as the CBE on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council acts on CBE project

    Village Council moved ahead with plans to extend infrastructure to the property known as the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, at its regular meeting Monday, Oct. 17.

  • Next steps on CBE land

    Village Council at its Oct. 3 meeting again took up the subject of the proposed utilities extension to the entrance of the CBE land; Council appeared ready to move ahead on the utilities extension.

  • Village Council — Citizens plan CBE moratorium

    At Village Council’s Sept. 6 meeting, Council was informed that a group of citizens is aiming to place a temporary moratorium on the proposed expansion of Village infrastructure to the entrance of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

  • CBE land to return to Village

    The 35-acre parcel of land at the center of the controversial Center for Business and Education, or CBE, will soon be returned to the Village, according to a representative from Community Resources.

  • Village planners approve CBE streets

    At their meeting on April 16 Village Planning Commission approved the street dedication for the Center for Business and Education, a request to install a Verizon cellular telephone tower at Bryan Center, and rezoning of the former Creative Memories property.

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