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Articles About rezoning

  • Village Council rezones Morgan Fields to high-density residential

    The move to rezone the land was the latest step in the year-long effort to one day erect a 50-unit, low-income housing development on the land — colloquially dubbed by Village and district bodies as the LIHTC, or low-income housing tax credit, project.

  • Council rezones MillWorks

    After several months of debate in Council chambers over a proposed zoning change at the MillWorks industrial park, Council unanimously passed legislation to rezone the property on Monday, April 1.

  • Village Council — Apartment rezoning approved

    After months of public discussion, Council approved the rezoning of a 1.8-acre parcel between East Herman and Marshall streets to accommodate a 54-unit affordable senior apartment building.

  • Village planners approve CBE streets

    At their meeting on April 16 Village Planning Commission approved the street dedication for the Center for Business and Education, a request to install a Verizon cellular telephone tower at Bryan Center, and rezoning of the former Creative Memories property.

  • Wellness doctor hopes to return to Village

    Dr. Donald Gronbeck hopes to open a family practice at the former Creative Memories building. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Donald Gronbeck, a 2002 Antioch College graduate, hopes to start his first practice, Yellow Springs Primary Care, the first week of May at the former Creative Memories building, fronting on Dayton Street.

  • Village Zoning Appeals Board— Distillery, preschool get variances

    S & G Artisan Distillery is closer to being approved for an increased tasting room at its production facility at MillWorks; the Village approved three variances allowing the Children’s Montessori Cooperative to operate a small preschool at 107 Tower Court.

  • Timeline for zoning revision

    At the July 16 Village Council meeting, Council member Lori Askeland announced an upcoming process to introduce villagers to proposed changes in the Village zoning code.

  • Cemex rezoning request denied

    Last week Xenia Township Trustees voted down a request from Cemex to rezone land the company owns southwest of Yellow Springs that would have allowed the company to construct a new quarry there.

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