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  • YSHS to host several last nights of ‘Ballyhoo’

    This weekend Yellow Springs High School opens its fall play, ‘The Last Night of Ballyhoo.’

  • An Ordinance Approving Ammendments Regarding Village Waste Services

    ORDINANCE NO. 2011-27

  • Village Council Orientation

    Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011

  • Village Planning Commission agenda

    (Village Council meets 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 21)

  • Vouchers could harm schools

    The Ohio legislature introduced a bill last spring that has the potential to change the face of public education and greatly enhance the possibilities for school choice.

  • BLOG – The apprentice

    Musings about my toddler’s role at the News office. And some gratuitous baby pictures.

  • Geis replaces Omlor at YSI

    Last week ITT, the company that acquired YSI this year, announced that Ron Geis of ITT was appointed general manager of YSI. Geis replaces former president and CEO Rick Omlor.

  • Candidates vie for public office

    Energy issues took center stage at the Candidate’s Forum at the Senior Center on Sunday afternoon, as villagers asked questions to candidates for Village Council and Miami Township Trustee.

  • Community music steps up

    At a recent rehearsal, James Johnston led the Yellow Springs Community Chorus in “It Is An Illusion You Were Ever Free,” a piece that the chorus will premier with professional piano trio Triple Helix from Wellesley, Mass. on Saturday, Nov. 5. The Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra will perform two Beethoven pieces with Triple Helix that evening. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Three is the magic number for an upcoming collaborative concert of three ensembles. The local Chamber Orchestra and Community Chorus and a visiting piano trio, appropriately named Triple Helix, will perform three works over an evening.

  • Shake your booty for good cause

    Zumba instructors Melissa Vanzant, Melissa Beard-Blair, Alisia Smith and Aurelia Blake got their groove on at a recent class. The four instructors will lead Latin-inspired dances during a two-hour Zumbathon at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, with proceeds going to the McKinney School Power of the Pen creative writing team that Blake coaches. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Zumba is exercise in disguise. The fitness classes feel more like a dance party than grueling workout

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