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Adoption of Fire Code

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to RC 731.231, Council for the Village of Yellow Springs has adopted as the official fire code of the Village of Yellow Springs the 2007 edition of the Ohio Fire Code as amended to date by the Ohio State Fire Marshal and any future editions as contained in Chapter 1301:7-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code. A complete copy of the code is available online for review at: This adoption is in order to properly protect the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of Yellow Springs. A complete copy of the code is on file with the Clerk of Council and the County Law Library for inspection by the public. The Clerk can provide copies for distribution to the public at cost. The adoption of the official fire code shall be effective January 19, 2011. Until such time the current state code shall remain in effect.

Judith Hempfling,
President of Council


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