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  • School calendar adds delays

    All students who attend Yellow Springs schools next year will start two hours late on 14 Wednesdays to make dedicated time for teacher professional development. The school board approved the 2014–15 calendar, including this pilot late start, at its meeting on Thursday, April 10. Other calendar changes included the addition of three calamity days to the end of the current school year, and fewer waiver day Fridays.

  • Village Council side bar— Less green space funds

    At their April 7 meeting, Village Council members voted 3–2 to add $25,000 for green space to the 2014 capital project budget. Karen Wintrow, Lori Askeland and Brian Housh voted for the funding, and Marianne MacQueen and Gerry Simms voted against. Council will vote on the capital fund legislation at its April 21 meeting.

  • Barry Heermann’s Deep Currents— Course looks deeply into work, self

    If someone is unsatisfied in their job or career, there’s probably an online quiz they can take to find a better fit. But to find one’s true calling, or bring more awareness to one’s work life, a deeper, more introspective process may be called for.

  • Activism and art at Antioch

    An international exhibit of socially engaged art featuring archived documentation from 22 projects that blurs the boundary between activism and art runs at Antioch College’s Herndon Gallery in South Hall April 18 through May 16. Co-curators of “Living as Form (The Nomadic Version)” are Antioch visual arts professor Sara Black, center, and Antioch artists in residence Jillian Soto, left, and Anthony Romero, right, who recently worked on the exhibition at the Herndon. The three artists will host the first of three weekly conversations about the exhibit at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When is activism also art?
    For example, Women on Waves, a ship that performs medical abortions outside of the territorial waters of countries where it is illegal, or Project Row Houses, a low-income housing development in Houston where the houses are sometimes canvases for artistic expression.

  • Economic development since 2000— Ideas abound, actions lag behind

    Around 1998 local attorney Craig Matthews was representing a Dayton company that worked with that city to boost the economy in depressed neighborhoods. Around the same time, he found, in an old box in his office above Star Bank, a copy of Arthur Morgan’s book, Industries for Small Communities, with Morgan’s philosophy that vibrant small towns need diverse, vibrant businesses.

  • 2014 capital project budget— Village Council sets priorities

    In a year of deficit spending, what capital projects are essential? At their April 7 meeting Village Council members considered that question, prioritizing capital needs for the Village. Council will vote on legislation for the 2014 capital budget at its April 21 meeting.

  • Yellow Springs, Ohio Board Of Zoning Appeals

    The following requests for variances from the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code will be heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals

  • Searching For Children With Disabilities

    Yellow Springs Board Of Education

  • An Emergency Ordinance To Amend The Official Zoning Map With Rezoning Approval

    Ordinance No. 2014-09, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Your Village Needs You!

    Council for the Village of Yellow Springs Seeks Interested Persons to Serve.

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