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Green County Sanitary Engineering Department Environmental Services Divison

The Greene County Solid Waste Management District Policy Committee has completed a Draft Amended Solid Waste Management Plan Update (Draft Plan) for the Greene County Solid Waste Management District.

The Draft Plan includes a solid waste facility inventor y, projections and strategies, facilities and activities or programs to be used, an analysis of progress made toward achieving the State’s recycling goal, cost to finance the District, and District rules. The Draft Plan includes the District’s activities scheduled for the next 15 years. To fund the activities described in the Draft Plan, the generation fee is set at $10.00 per ton until 2022 when it is scheduled to be $10.50 per ton. Also, as listed in this Draft Plan, the District will not designate facilities but reserves the right to enter into Capacity Assurance Agreements and if necessary designate facilities to maintain operations of the District as listed in the Draft Plan.

This Draft Plan is an update to a Plan approved in 2008. This Draft Plan includes operations of the Recycling Center. At the Recycling Center materials are accepted and processed. Materials collected include household recyclables, yard waste, household hazardous waste, certain special waste such as electronic waste and scrap metal. Yard Waste is recycled to mulch and made available to the residents. Also, the Draft Plan includes activities that promote recycling through education and establishment of grants. Activities listed in the Draft Plan demonstrate that the District has and will maintain the State’s recycling goal. This goal requires a 25% recycling rate for the residential and commercial sectors plus a 50% recycling rate for industrial businesses.

Comments on the Draft Plan will be accepted by the Greene County Solid Waste Management Policy Committee for a thirty (30) day period beginning August 8, 2014 extending to September 8, 2014. The Draft Plan will be available for public review at:

Greene County Sanitary Engineering Department
Environmental Services Division
2145 Greene Way Boulevard
Xenia, OH 45385-2675

Greene County Public Libraries – all branches

Greene County Website at, go to Environmental Services

During the comment period, anyone may comment on the Draft Plan by for warding their comments, in writing, to Environmental Services at the mailing address or website listed above.

Notice is hereby given that the Greene County Solid Waste Management Policy Committee will conduct a Public Hearing in accordance with ORC Section 3734.55 (A), in order to solicit citizen input concerning the District’s Draft Amended Solid Waste Management Plan Update. The Public Hearing will be held on September 10, 2014, at 6:00 pm at the Greene County Media Room, 541 Ledbetter Road, Xenia, OH 45385. The public is invited to attend. Copies of the Draft Plan will be made available at Greene County Environmental Services, 2145 Greene Way Blvd., Xenia, OH and the public libraries until the Public Hearing. The Draft Plan may also be reviewed at, go to Environmental Services listed under Departments.


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