
Request for Qualifications for Criteria Architect/Engineering Services in Defining Options for Design-Build Water Plant and Options for Water Softening Processes at Said Plant

The Village of Yellow Springs currently operates a 1.7 MGD water treatment plant to serve the Village’s needs. Said plant is an iron removal water treatment plant with sand filters. The water source for the Village is four wells located adjacent to the plant; the wells have a total capacity of 1.3 MGD. The current treatment process is aeration followed by three sand filters, followed by chlorination and a 100,000 gallon clear well and 3 high-service pumps and 2 back-wash pumps. There are two stand pipes for water storage totaling approximately 2 million gallons.

Request for Qualifications/Proposal
Pursuant to Section 153.692 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Village of Yellow Springs is seeking a statement of qualifications and a proposal from firms or individuals to provide professional criteria architectural or engineering services as defined in Section 153.65 of the Ohio Revised Code to determine the optimal design of a new plant using the design-build option. Said plant may be sized differently depending on recommendations of the consultant. The Village also wishes to investigate various options for softening water prior to leaving the plant, the chosen option to potentially be included in the design-build process.

Specifically, the Village is seeking proposals/qualifications from firms or individuals to perform the following services:

• Review the current Village of Yellow Springs water treatment plant operation as a basis for determining alternatives, including potential resizing of plant operations.

• Investigate all options for using the design-build process in the construction of a new water treatment plant to serve the Village’s current and future needs. Said design to include iron and manganese removal processes.

• Investigate all options for the addition of a water softening process as part of the operation of the new water treatment plant.

• Address potential health impacts/benefits of various methods of water softening, as well as those of hard water.

• Address potential environmental impacts of treatment/softening options.

• Prepare conceptual plans and/or specifications.

• Act as the owner’s agent for project management through the remainder of the design-build process.

• Specific experience with the design-build process in this capacity should be noted in the statement of qualifications.

Proposal Criteria
• All employees, staff and consultants to the criteria architect or engineer shall be employees of, or contracted by, the criteria architect or engineer and shall be under the control and management of the chosen firm or individual. The Village of Yellow Springs is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to perform the services outlined herein. The Village intends to interview those firms or individuals deemed most qualified and to rank those firms and individuals based on their qualifications.

• Those firms or individual firms so selected as qualified will be expected to present their conceptual plan and/or specifications to the Review Committee in order for the Committee to rank the firm or individual.

• Along with any proposal submitted in response to this request for services, a blank copy of the criteria architect or engineer’s proposed contract shall be included. The fee or dollar amount shall be blank pending negotiations after the selection of a firm or individual by the Review Committee. The type of or description of design services proposed may be filled in. The Village of Yellow Springs reserves the right to reject any and all proposals /qualifications and to negotiate engagements with parties of the Village’s choice, based on the firm or individual deemed to be the most qualified to provide the requested services.

• The Village’s failure at any time to require performance of any provisions thereof by the Submitter shall in no way affect the right of the Village thereafter to enforce same. Nor shall any waiver by the Village or any breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be waiver of any succeeding breach of such provision or as a waiver of any provisions itself.

• It is expressly agreed and understood that the Submitter is in all respects an independent contractor as to the work and that the Submitter is in no respect an employee of the Village. This Contract specifies the work to be done by the Submitter, but the method utilized to accomplish the work shall be the responsibility of the Submitter.

• Prior to the commencement of the agreement, the Submitter shall obtain, keep in full force and effect, until the termination of the agreement, the following insurance with an insurance company licensed and qualified to do business in the State of Ohio, as evidenced by an endorsement of insurance on the insurance policy. Proof of policy shall be provided within three (3) business days of contract award. Any deductibles or self insured retentions are to be paid by the Submitter and must be declared and approved by the Village.

Insurance: The Submitter shall obtain and keep in force during the term of the Contract, insurance of the character specified below:
• Workers’ Compensation Insurance in accordance with Ohio statutes.

• Comprehensive General Liability Insurance including contingent liability, in amounts not less than $1,000,000 of combined bodily injury and property damage coverage per occurrence.

• Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, nonowned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work, in an amount not less than $1,000,000.

• Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance issued in the name of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio, in amounts as indicated above. Notwithstanding the requirement of the Submitter to furnish certificates of insurance evidencing insurance coverage, the Submitter shall furnish a policy of Owner’s Protection Liability Insurance as set forth herein. This policy must be endorsed to
indicate that any premium, whether deposit or final payment, will be the sole obligation of the Submitter.

• Contractual Liability Insurance covering all liability arising out of the terms of the Contract Documents.

• Yellow Springs, Ohio to be named as an additional insured on all relevant insurance policies.

Proposal/Qualification Submission
Statements of proposals/qualifications must be received in the office of the Village Manager no later than 2:00 p.m. EST, Monday, September 8, 2014. Please provide a signed original and one copy of your proposal/qualifications to:
Ms. Patti Bates, Village Manager
Village of Yellow Springs
100 Dayton Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Submittals will not be accepted after the deadline under any circumstances. Your proposal/ qualifications may be submitted in person or by U.S. Mail or other delivery method; however, please be advised that no delivery accepted after the deadline will be reviewed, regardless of the date and/or time the delivery was sent.

Required Proposal / Qualification Content
At a minimum, the proposals/qualifications MUST include the following information to be considered, or proposal will be rejected:
• Statement of Submitter’s Qualifications to Provide the Services

• Insurance and/or Bonding Information: Provide copies of proof of all insurance and/or bonding that the firm possesses in regard to these services in the minimum amount set forth above.

• Statement of Proposal: Set forth the services to be provided and the information requested in this Request for Proposals/Qualifications

• References/Contacts on Other Projects: Provide information on other design/build water plant projects you have been involved with in a similar capacity.

Submitter must be a licensed Ohio limited liability company, corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship licensed to do business in the state.

Any questions concerning specific requirements herein must be directed in writing to Patti Bates, Village Manager at pbates@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us. Answers to all questions will be provided by email to all persons or firms that have been given or have obtained copies of this Request for Proposal / Qualifications.

General Selection Process
A Review Committee comprised of the Village Manager, Water Superintendent, and others as determined by the Village Manager will review and evaluate all submittals as soon as practical after 2:00 p.m. EST on September 8, 2014. Proposals will be evaluated based upon compliance with the RFP, qualifications and experience, and references, quality and nature of services proposed to be provided. Submitters will be asked to make a presentation of their proposal / qualifications as deemed appropriate by the Village Manager. The proposals will be ranked by the Review Committee and the Village Manager will then prepare a recommendation for action by the Village Council at its meeting on September 29, 2014.

Additionally, the selected Criteria Architect or Engineer will comply with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.
Documents may be viewed or picked-up at:
Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
Office of the Village Manager
100 Dayton Street
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Attn: Ruthe Ann Lillich
Tel: 937-767-3402

Final Selection
The Village Council will award the contract to the criteria architect/engineer based on the recommendation of the Selection Committee. The Village reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to negotiate with the selected firm/individual(s) over specific terms of their engagement.

Please answer the following in addition to your Statement of Qualifications

Submitters should attach their Statement of Qualifications after this page. All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive.
• Legal name of individual/firm:

• Permanent /Main Office Address:

• How many years have you been engaged in water construction projects?

• Information for the person to be primarily responsible for management of the project (list name(s) and all contact information:

• What other water design-build projects have you been involved in?:

• Have you ever defaulted on a contract? If so, where and why?

• Please provide three current references:
I hereby certify that the answers to the foregoing statements attached hereto, including any supplemental data, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Owner’s Name and Date


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