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  • School board— Longer classes sought for PBL

    McKinney and Yellow Springs High School students will take almost half of their courses in long, interdisciplinary blocks next year if the school switches to a full block schedule.

  • Russell Holdrege Hollister


    Russell Holdrege Hollister died of old age on Feb. 16 at St. Paul’s Retirement Community, South Bend, Ind. He was 102 years old.

  • News is tops for a fifth time

    The News fulltime staff celebrated being named Newspaper of the Year in its size category by the Ohio Newspaper Association for the fifth straight year. Pictured above are, top row from left, Designer Suzanne Szempruch and Village Desk Editor Lauren (Chuck) Shows; middle row, Pearl Bachman (not fulltime) and Reporter Megan Bachman, Editor Diane Chiddister, freelancer Carol Simmons and Associate Editor Lauren Heaton; and front row, Designer Matt Minde and Office Manager Kathryn Hitchcock. Not shown are Advertising Manager Robert Hasek and Bookkeeper Peg Champney. (Photo by our Camera)

    For the fifth year in a row, the Yellow Springs News won the top honor in its size category at the annual Ohio Newspaper Association convention.

  • Feb. 26, 2015 Bulldog sports round-up

    Jan. 26, 2015 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Special Board Of Education Meeting

    Thursday, Feb. 26, 7 a.m.

  • Dream of spring at Pollinator Pathway Project event

    Antioch College will host a seed saving and open house event to introduce the Pollinator Pathway Project this Friday.

    Antioch College will host a Pollinator Pathway native plant seed saving event and project open house on Friday, Feb. 27, 4–6 p.m. in room 106 of the newly renovated Science Building.

  • Yellow Springs schools CLOSED Tuesday, Feb. 24

    Nature throws Yellow Springs Schools back two hours again because of extreme cold (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education has decided to close village schools Tuesday, Feb. 24 due to extreme cold.

  • Aaron’s Lens – Ice

    Lethal temperatures are rarely anything to celebrate, but when things freeze solid in a natural setting the photographic results can be wonderful.

  • Ngqakayi and Chick to swim at states

    YSHS swimmers Aman Ngqakayi and Olivia Chick will swim at the Division II state swimming finals in Canton next week after stellar district performances on Friday.

  • BLOG-French Fries Rule

    “I want french fries.” they insist but through the art of home cooking I hope to guide my children to an appreciation of healthier choices.

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