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Ordinances regarding the vacation of two alleys and adding a new stop sign on S. high street

Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, Oct. 3, 2016, gave first readings to ordinances, text to follow.

Council will give a second reading  to Ordinances 2016-22 and 2016-24 and pass them into law during a public hearing on Monday, Oct. 17, 2016. Ordinance 2016-23 will receive a second reading in a public hearing on Monday, Nov. 21, 2016. All readings will take place at the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St.

Full text of ordinance is available online at, at the Clerk of Council’s office, Yellow Springs Library or in the Bryan Center lobby.

Ordinance 2016-22
• Approving a Right of Way Vacation for an Unused Portion of the Alley Located Between 340 South High Street and 419 West Limestone Street

Ordinance 2016-23 
Approving a Right of Way Vacation for an Unused Portion of the Alley Located Between 726 Xenia Avenue and 111 West Center College Street

Ordinance 2016-24
Approving the Placement of Stop Signs at the Intersection of High and Whiteman Streets North and South Bound

Karen Wintrow, President of Council


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