The workshop invites writers to discover: "Did they clear and settle land? Were any of them gold rushers? Did they fight in the Civil War, or nurse its wounded? Was one a sea captain? A coal miner? Or the mother of many? What were their daily lives like?"
Preserve family histories in workshop
- Published: October 5, 2016
Local author Ralph Keyes, who is just wrapping up leading a community memoir workshop entitled “Telling Your Story,” will begin leading a new workshop, “Telling Your Ancestors’ Stories,” on Oct. 20. The four-week workshop be held on Thursday afternoons, 2–5 p.m., Oct. 20–Nov. 10, at Antioch University Midwest.
Keyes, who has written several books and numerous articles over his 47-year career, will guide participants through writing about the lives of ancestors, discussing how to introduce ancestors to readers, bringing their stories to life, putting those stories in context and dealing with “touchy topics.” Keyes wrote in a press release this week: “In writing about our ancestors, should we spill all of their beans, or just some, or none at all? Good question. Let’s talk about it. And let’s talk about what’s involved in trying to publish a family history.”
The workshops are sponsored by the Greene County Public Library and the Greene County Council on Aging. Participation is free, but is limited to 12 writers. To register for the workshop, or for more information, contact Pam Dorsten at 937-376-5486 or pam.d@gccoa.org.
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