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YSHS class of 2017 graduates on Thursday, May 25! In a special supplement to this week's News, seniors reflect on growing up in Yellow Springs and their plans for the future.

YSHS class of 2017 graduates on Thursday, May 25! In a special supplement to this week's News, seniors reflect on growing up in Yellow Springs and their plans for the future.

Yellow Springs High School seniors reflect on past, future

At the beginning of my senior year, I kept thinking about how excited I was to get out of Yellow Springs. As I approach the last few weeks of high school, I’ve realized how much I’m going to miss this place, and these people. I feel thankful to have grown up in Yellow Springs.

—Maya Creighton, YSHS class of 2017

Sixty-four Yellow Springs High School seniors are graduating this week! Curious about who they are, their thoughts about growing up in Yellow Springs, their plans for the future?

The May 25 issue of the News contains a special supplement of photos and essays from many members of the YSHS class of 2017. Students reflect on life and lessons in Yellow Springs; who nurtured and supported them; what they’ll miss most and what they’re eager to embrace next.

The whole community has taught me many valuable lessons, from standing up for what I believe is right to always being your true self and never being ashamed of who I am and where I come from.

—Allison Bothwell, YSHS class of 2017

My plan for the future after high school is to attend Wright State to major in computer science. It’s my intention to become a video game designer; I would like to create my own games with stories I make for them or help design games for a great company that I respect. … All I want to do is have a nice and calm future with my friends and family who I appreciate in my soul.

—Jordan White, YSHS class of 2017

Graduation is Thursday, May 25, at 7 p.m. Congratulations, Yellow Springs High School class of 2017!

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