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  • Silent auction to benefit potter Bruce Grimes

    Local potter Lisa Goldberg is organizing a silent auction and fundraiser for her close friend and colleague, Bruce Grimes. It will take place at the Yellow Springs Brewery on Tuesday, June 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. (Submitted photo)

    Villagers can help local potter Bruce Grimes rebuild after a devastating studio fire. There will be a silent auction and fundraiser at the YS Brewery this Tuesday, June 13, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

  • 2017 Gaunt Park Pool Passes and Schedule

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Three candidates for chief offer nuanced differences at forum

    The three candidates for Yellow Springs chief of police, from left, officers David Meister, Timothy Spradlin, and Interaim Chief Brian Carlson, addressed villagers’ questions and concerns about policing and leadership at a forum Tuesday evening, May 30. (Left and right: YS News archive photos; center: Submitted)

    If you were the Yellow Springs police chief, what would you have done differently on New Year’s Eve?

  • Sheer joy of getting a ball

    It was 80 degrees and sunny sunny sunny, a perfect day for the first night of T-ball.

  • McKinney school teachers honored

    In her 13th year of teaching, McKinney Middle School teacher Kate Lohmeyer feels like a veteran. And she’s clear that this past school year, her second in Yellow Springs, has been the best so far.

  • Village Council takes steps to assess local housing needs

    Village Council at its May 15 meeting signaled its support for undertaking a housing needs assessment, or HNA, to determine current and future housing needs in Yellow Springs.

  • AU set to sell Midwest building

    Antioch University plans to sell its Yellow Springs campus building, according to a letter from Interim Chancellor William Groves dated May 30 and shared with the press this week.

  • BLOG — Business stuff

    Lauren “Chuck” Shows talks about the joy of buying a new home — and the unexpected sadness of leaving an old one.

  • Carlson named new police chief

    Interim Police Chief Brian Carlson was named the new police chief of Yellow Springs at Village Council’s June 5 meeting.

  • Simply Women 5K registration open

    The ninth annual Simply Women Ohio 5K Run/Walk for women and girls will be held Saturday, June 24, 9 a.m., at YSHS.

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