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  • Ordinance approving a conservation easement for a portion of the ‘Glass Farm’


  • BLOG-Final Stretch

    Easy, indulgent, and luscious, the trick to mozzarella is the right amount of give.

  • All ages join in for Senior Center flash mob

    The annual Senior Center flash mob dance was held May 31. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    The YS Senior Center celebrated National Senior Health and Fitness Day on Wednesday, May 31, with its fourth annual “flash mob” dance.

  • Well, Yellow Springs, it’s been a really, really great two years

    Well, Yellow Springs, it’s been a really, really great two years, but I’m headed out for the unforgiving terrain of westernmost Texas. I didn’t ever expect I’d end up here, but I’m very glad I did.

  • Antioch University to sell AUM campus in Yellow Springs

    Antioch Midwest was named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Roll for its work in creating supportive pathways for transfer students.

    Antioch University announced plans to sell the AUM building on the western edge of Yellow Springs in a letter from Interim Chancellor William Groves this week.

  • Alex F. Roche

    Alex F. Roche

    Alex Roche, of Yellow Springs, died on May 21, 2017 at Friends Care Community. He was 95 years of age.

  • Virginia Paget memorial

    A memorial service to celebrate the life of Gina Paget will be held on Saturday, June 3 at 2 p.m., at Christ Episcopal Church in Dayton, Ohio.

  • Thomas Holyoke memorial

    Thomas Campbell Holyoke

    A memorial gathering for Tom Holyoke will be held on Sunday, June 4 at 2:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs in Goes.

  • Donald Frank Kalkis

    Donald Frank Kalkis

    Donald Frank Kalkis, of Yellow Springs and formerly Huber Heights, passed away peacefully at the Cleveland Clinic on May 23, 2017, after a short illness.

  • Board Of Education

    Summer Hours

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