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  • Historic Trail Tavern to reopen after rehab

    Christine Monroe-Beard, who purchased Ye Olde Trail Tavern in January with her husband, Don Beard, recently sat at the restaurant’s bar surrounded by photographs of old documents and newspaper clippings about the Tavern’s 190-year history. The couple has been rehabilitating the historic tavern and is hoping to reopen the establishment within the next two weeks. In the meantime, Monroe-Beard has become an expert in the building’s series of owners and uses. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    As anyone who has ever rehabilitated a building knows, unforeseen delays are just part of the process.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • After 41 years, the end of a reel

    Villager Andy Holyoke, left, has retired from the Little Art Theatre after nearly 41 years working at the local cinema. A public celebration of his tenure will be Thursday, June 15, beginning at 7 p.m., at the theater. Little Art Executive Director Jenny Cowperthwaite, right, said she couldn’t let the milestone pass without honoring her longtime friend and co-worker. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    After nearly 41 years, give or take a few in the middle, Andy Holyoke, aka “Mr. Thursday” by his co-workers, has retired from the Little Art Theatre.

  • Cordelia “Corky” Tucker Wishart

    Cordelia ‘Corky’ Wishart

    Cordelia “Corky” Tucker Wishart passed away peacefully at Paris Community Hospital Sunday morning June 4, 2017 with her son, Steven Wishart, at her side, following a brief illness.

  • John R. ‘Jack’ Lebold

    John R. ‘Jack’ Lebold

    John R. Lebold (Jack,) 80, passed away at his home in Staunton, Va., on June 8, 2017.

  • Village Council— Carlson named police chief

    When Council unanimously passed a resolution that authorized the appointment, a roomful of villagers broke out in applause.

  • Tucki’s back, headlining Dayton Jazz Festival

    Musician Tucki Bailey recently returned to Yellow Springs after 17 years in California. She’s headlining the Dayton Jazz Festival this Sunday, June 11, in Riverscape MetroPark in downtown Dayton. Bailey and her band, Tucki and the Vagabonds, will play at 7 p.m. (submitted photo)

    You’ll have a hard time finding a chair in Tucki Bailey’s living room, and you won’t see any tables or bookshelves.

  • Get a fix at the inaugural Repair Café

    The second Repair Café will be held Saturday, Sept 23, at the Bryan Center.

    Have you got a lamp that won’t light? A toaster that won’t toast? A radio that won’t play? Don’t throw them away — bring them to the Repair Café.

  • BLOG— One Earth, one home

    A collaboration among Community Solutions, Tecumseh Land Trust and the Nature Conservancy was undertaken in 2017 to help restore — and "re-meander" — Jacoby Creek. (Photo via Community Solutions,

    Does it have to be said? There is only one way. Only one Earth, only one home. A blue-green marble spinning in space. A reclaimed farm, a re-meandered stream. A deeply grooved old cottonwood growing up from the middle of a marsh.

  • Juneteenth potluck dinner and program slated

    First Baptist Church and Central Chapel AME Church will host a Juneteenth potluck dinner and program on Wednesday, June 21, at 6 p.m. at First Baptist Church.

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