
Public Hearing Planning Commission

Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

Monday, August 14, 2017 at 7 p.m.
Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center,
100 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387


• Rezoning Application – Trish Gustafson and Carol Smith have applied for a rezoning of their property abutting 422 N. High Street – Parcel ID #F16000100090001700 to Residential B – Moderate Density Residential, upon approval by Village Council of their Type II Annexation application.

Amend Chapter 1262.08 (e) (6) Conditional Use Requirements – the addition of pocket neighborhood developments with specific conditional use requirements.

Amend Chapter 1284.03 Definitions: C-D – modifying or removing the definition of cluster housing; adding the definition of common open space.

Amend Chapter 1284.05 Definitions: H-I-J-K – adding the definition of a homeowners association (HOA).

Amend Chapter 1284.07 Definitions: O-P-Q – adding the definition of a pocket neighborhood development (PND).


Process for Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Housing Needs Assessment Review


Short term rentals revision to the text amendments previously approved

Text amendment re: height of Accessory Structures (max. 24’ for future ADU)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Discussion of Update Process

Discussion re: size of accessory structures to primary, including the definition of floor area, gross,

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. The Council meeting is wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at clerk@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us.com for more information.


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