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Special Village Council Meeting

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Special Village Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 7 p.m.
Council Chambers, second floor, Bryan Community Center

Comments from the Public are welcomed at two different times during the
course of the meeting: (1) Comments on items not on the Agenda will be heard
under Citizens Concerns, and (2) Comments on all items listed on the Agenda
will be heard during Council’s consideration of said item. A Sign-In sheet will be
made available on the small table at the rear of the Council Chambers. Please
write your name and the topic you wish to discuss.

• Emergency Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2018-03 Repealing Chapter 881 “Earned Income Tax Regulations Effective Beginning Januar y 1, 2016” Of The Codified Ordinances Of The Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio And Enacting New Chapter 881 “Earned Income Tax Regulations Effective Beginning Januar y 1, 2016” and Declaring an Emergency

• Value #1  Deepen decision-making processes with active citizen participation and effective representative governance.
• Value #2  Be a model employer actively working to achieve diversity in hiring and employee retention and a provider of ser vices within a responsible and sustainable fiscal framework.
• Value #3  Be a welcoming community of opportunity for all persons regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, economic status, ability or religious affiliation.
• Value #4  Pursue a strong economy that provides diverse employment, creates a stable tax base and supports community values, particularly affordability.
• Value #5  Seek, in all decisions and actions, to reduce the community’s carbon footprint, encourage sound ecological practices and provide careful, creative & cooperative stewardship of land resources. 
• Value #6 Intentionally promote anti-racism, inclusion, equity and accessibility through all policies, procedures and processes.

• Execute a housing development model that encourages all types of housing, with intentional focus on affordability, accessibility, rental units and mixed income developments. (MacQueen)
• Complete the protection of key properties in the Jacoby Greenbelt. (MacQueen)
• Execute a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy to support existing businesses & entrepreneurs and attract new opportunities that support the values of the community. (Kreeger)
• Develop a high quality integrated surface infrastructure. (Housh)
• Provide an affordable community with a high quality of life that encourages a diverse resident base. (Kreeger)
• Engage in continuous infrastructure development that promotes Dig Once, Complete Streets and other economical & strategic best practices. (Stokes)
• Establish a model Village Justice System that promotes anti-racism and respect as well as ensures sensitivity to individuals from all backgrounds. (Hempfling)
• Embody a Village culture that is welcoming to all, anti-racist and proactive about maintaining a diverse community. (Stokes)


This is not a complete agenda and is subject to change. Materials relevant to this agenda are available in the John Bryan Community Center lobby and at the Yellow Springs library. Documents for consideration by Council must arrive by 10 a.m. on the Friday prior to Monday’s meeting. Documents may be left with the police department, utility office or the Clerk
of Council’s office. 

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommoda-
tions for people with disabilities. The Council meeting is wheelchair accessible.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk
of Council’s Of fice at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for
more information.


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