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Village urges return of state surplus to municipalities

According to the Ohio Municipal League, last week Governor Kasich proposed using the projected state budget surplus of $147 million to fund an income tax withholding reduction and an additional $68 million to max out the state’s rainy day fund.

The Ohio Municipal League, of which the Village of Yellow Springs is a member, urges the governor and state leaders in the Ohio General Assembly to send the money back to cities and villages instead.

Yellow Springs Village Manager Patti Bates offered this statement:

The Village of Yellow Springs recently performed a complete review of all infrastructure needs, immediate and future. Given the number and dollar value of our local needs, we urge all citizens to contact our State representatives, listed below, and urge them to vote to return these funds to local government.

According to the Ohio Municipal League release:

Municipalities have an urgent need to rebuild infrastructure and bolster public safety services to fight the opioid epidemic. These dollars should be used to close the gap created through past Local Government Fund raids that resulted in a loss of $435 million for municipalities in FY 2015 alone.

 “Municipalities have been needlessly shortchanged by deep cuts in funding sources and revenue sharing with the state,” said OML President, Mayor Scott Schertzer. “State leaders must realize the impact their funding raids have on the ability of local governments to provide basic services and make crucial infrastructure improvements. We urge the state to not waste this opportunity to invest in municipalities, ensuring they are equipped to provide safe roads, clean drinking water, and fire and police services to millions of Ohioans.” 

Investing these funds in our local governments is an investment in Ohio, helping to ensure stable infrastructure, job growth, and a strong future for our communities.”



2 Responses to “Village urges return of state surplus to municipalities”

  1. Don Hubschman says:

    “send the money BACK [emphasis added] to cities and villages ” ?

    The money didn’t come from the “cities and villages”, it came from the Ohio taxpayer and that is to whom it should be returned….directly.

  2. Don Beard says:

    The village would like a refund, I know how they feel.Last year we had four bills each of over $5000 in a month for both Peach’s Grill and the Trail Tavern ,cry me a river.

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