Colton Pitstick and Charlotte Walkey rehearse a scene from "Large Box — A Conundrum" at First Presbyterian Church, while a mysterious machine looms in the foreground. "Large Box" is one of seven plays that will premiere at the Ten-Minute Play Festival this Friday and Saturday.
Ten-Minute Play Festival to return
- Published: January 30, 2019
The annual Ten Minute Play Festival will return this Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1 and 2, for its sixth year.
This year’s festival will feature seven short plays, with most of them the traditional length of 10 minutes or shorter, and one by YS Theater Company member Colton Pitstick at double the standard length, anchoring the second half of the show. As always, most of the featured playwrights are local, but the festival, as it did last year, will also feature works by playwrights from beyond the borders of the village.
The line-up of shows is as follows:
• “Barry,” by Ed Knapp, directed and acted by Colton Pitstick.
• “Settling,” by Scott Bachmann, directed by Amy Wamsley, acted by Amy Blue and Rob Campbell.
• “172 Push-Ups,” by Scott Mullen, of North Hollywood, Calif.; directed by Miriam Eckenrode Saari, acted by Josh Heyward, Sayre Hudson and Ariel Johnson.
• “Talking Points,” by Steven Hayet, of New Brunswick, N.J.; directed by Miriam Eckenrode Saari, acted by Troy Lindsey, Jeff Murphy, Lara Bentley, Chuck Dunn, Reilly Dixon and Rosemary Burmester.
• “Write the Whimsy You Know,” by Frank Doden, directed by Ara Bel, acted by Doden, Sommer McGuire, Lauren Shows and Adam Zaremsky.
• “The Worthless and the Wanton: A Melodrama of Taste and Refinement,” by Anthony Fife, directed by Ali Thomas, acted by Miriam Eckenrode Saari, Charlotte Walkey, Adam Zaremsky, Carlos Landaburu, Jeremy Holtgrave, Sayre Hudson, Victoria Walters.
• “Large Box: A Conundrum,” by Colton Pitstick, directed by Ali Thomas, acted by Pitstick, Charlotte Walkey, Adam Zaremsky, Jeremy Holtgrave, Karl Loveless, Dan Black and Lauren Shows.
The festival will be presented at 8 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church on both evenings, with doors to open at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $10.
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