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  • DeWine imposes curfew to slow “dramatic” COVID-19 spread

    At a press conference on Tuesday, Nov. 17, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced that the state was imposing a curfew to help curb the “dramatic” spread of COVID-19 in the state.

  • Still as Glass

    Local photographer James Luckett captured the Glass Farm wetland at sunset on Sunday, Nov. 8. The eight-acre wetland, created by the Village from a detention basin, attracts wildlife and villagers alike. Ohio has lost 90% of its original wetlands.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Reopening amid uncertainty

    This is the first part of a two-part article. The second part will feature responses of families to the school district’s reopening plans, including a deeper look at the recent parent/guardian survey, as well as the thoughts of local teachers.

  • Little Thunders— Speaking Indian

    Whenever I hear an Elder speak our traditional Ojibwe language, known as anishinaabemowin, my eyes fill with tears. I become overwhelmed with emotion. I’m told that tears are the ancestors coming to visit and wash my vision to help me heal from historical trauma.

  • Totally wired

    Fiber optic cables were strung through Kieth’s Alley this week as part of a Village project to provide free WiFi to the downtown area using around $50,000 in coronavirus relief funds

  • Antioch College— Manley to leave in December

    Antioch College President Tom Manley is leaving the presidency earlier than planned due to health issues. Manley will become “president emeritus” as of Dec. 1, he announced in an email to the college community on Friday, Oct. 30.

  • Planning Commission— Costly repairs ahead for YS?

    Burns described a series of specific stormwater issues related to aging infrastructure — which in some parts of town date back to the late 1800s, he said — certain kinds of lot designs, more intense storms than previously and other factors.

  • Mural to honor Virginia Hamilton

    Local artist Pierre Nagley recently started painting a new mural honoring the life and works of famed local author Virginia Hamilton. The mural, located on the wall of the Yellow Springs News building, is being spearheaded by Help Us Make a Nation, or H.U.M.A.N., a recently revived local human rights organization founded here in the ’70s.



  • Miami Valley Community Action Partnership announces rent, mortgage, and water assistance for Ohioans impacted by COVID-19

    Miami Valley Community Action Partnership announces rent, mortgage, and water assistance for Ohioans impacted by COVID-19

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