(Photo by Kathleen Galarza)
Banner up
- Published: September 16, 2020
On Friday, Sept. 4, a new Black Lives Matter banner was raised across U.S. 68 on the north end of the village. Spearheaded by the Next Steps initiative, the project was supported by the Village of Yellow Springs, which paid for the banner, and the Yellow Springs Arts Commission, which approved it.
Next Steps grew out of Courageous Conversations, a six-week program organized by The 365 Project and the Yellow Springs Havurah to gather diverse groups in the village to talk about racism.
Next Steps is, from left, David Seitz, Karen McKee, Rich Bullock, Locksley Orr, Mori Rothman-Zecher, Megan Bachman, Vivian Markley and, not pictured, Moya Shea.
2 Responses to “Banner up”
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It is unacceptable to me that a 26 yr. police office can ‘mistake’ a handgun for a taser while actively training another officer. If taking a human life over a ‘mistake’ such as that isn’t grounds for dismissal and denial of a public servant’s pension, what is?
Daunte Wright. Say his name……………….
They should be discussing All Lives Matter and the actions of people getting hurt by cop due to their irresponsible actions.