Black Farming Conference slated
“Roots, Food and Storytelling” is the theme for the Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice’s third annual Black Farming Conference planned for Friday, Sept. 9, and Saturday, Sept. 10.
Evelyn Sikes
A celebration of life for Evelyn Sikes will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, at Yellow Springs First Presbyterian Church. Refreshments/light lunch will follow the service in the church’s Westminster Hall.
Mark Bateman
A celebration of life for Mark Bateman will be held Friday, Sept. 9, 6–8 p.m., at Rockford Chapel, on the Antioch College campus. Mark had a joyful impact on so many through the Democratic party, volunteering at WYSO and just always smiling around town. Come share stories and photos and, in honor of Mark’s love of cooking, consider bringing a dish to share.
Elaine and Stanley Fitch
Stanley Harry Fitch and Elaine Ellen Bullock Fitch, of Calais, Vt., were married for 71 years and continued their journey together on Aug. 30, 2022.
David Jonathan Kearney
Jonathan was born in Dallas, Texas. At the age of 6 he moved to Yellow Springs, Ohio, where he spent his school years.
Unsolicited Opinions | Why we still need Toni Morrison
“Almost three years and one month after the death of Morrison, her novels, including “Beloved,” have reentered the public discourse as we see pundits and public figures decry her work as being a part of a critical race theory plot.”
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Board of Education Regular Meeting
Yellow Springs Board of Education Regular Meeting
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Ordinance 2022-31
Ordinance 2022-31
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