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Articles by Aaron Zaremsky :: Page 5

  • Aaron’s Lens – More Snow

    I tried to think of a good reason not to take more pictures of snow and I couldn’t, so here you all go – a set of frozen images from last week’s little blizzard, all taken in the Glen.

  • Aaron’s Lens – MLK March

    These images are of the many people in town who gathered to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Aaron’s Lens – Snow

    Some of these photos are from the big snow earlier this year which melted almost immediately and before I could put my post up. I thought they were too good to throw away, and wanted to put them up with some extra snow shots for this week. I ask my viewers to be forgiving if you notice some of the snowy scenes do not synch up with what you see outside.

  • Aaron’s Lens – New Year’s Celebration

    The New Year’s celebration this year was rowdy and joyful, with many friends from afar reuniting to share laughter, songs, and drinks for the night.

  • Aaron’s Lens – Textures

    This week is a study in textures: macro photographs that offer a glimpse of a visually rich and detailed world.

  • Aaron’s Lens – Water

    Water, the foundation for all life on Earth, is a dynamic and fluid substance, and creates some very interesting images for anyone who is curious enough to photograph something they take for granted every day.

  • Aaron’s Lens – A Dark Forest

    When the leaves have fallen and the sun is setting, the dark, spindly trees in the woods produce images that look like expressionist paintings.

  • Aaron’s Lens – Night Time

    When the sun sets in the village, an array of colorful signs and scenes light up the town.

  • Aaron’s Lens – The Scrap Barn


  • Aaron’s Lens – The Bike Path

    (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The Miami Valley Scenic Trail is a recognizable and widely used landmark in town that has been used by biking enthusiasts and casual riders for years.

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