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Articles by Virgil Hervey :: Page 3

  • A corner beacon for peace

    On Wednesday, May 19, the war in Iraq marked its fifth year, and in the past week this country hit the milestone of having the 4,000th service member lose his life. The war has surpassed the American involvement in World War II by two years.

  • Getting plowed is serious business with the road crew guys

    While meteorologists have been reporting above average snow fall this winter, the guys in the snowplowing trenches in the village and Miami Township keep seeing a bleary-eyed vision of the theme they’ve dealt with all year: more snow, more salt, more man-hours.

  • ‘Antique Power’ chugs to 20

    How does one go from being an aerospace engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to the publisher of an antique tractor magazine? This is a question Patrick Ertel has been asked repeatedly over the last 19 years. But wait! It gets better.

  • MTFR learns from recovery

    At their Feb. 20 meeting, Miami Township Fire and Rescue Chief Colin Altman told the Township Trustees that a recent search operation in the Clifton Gorge nature preserve had helped him identify a number of areas for the department to work on.

  • ‘Velveteen Rabbit’ comes alive at MLS

    You thought YS Kids Playhouse events only took place in the summer? Think again! YSKP is moving into the schools. On March 6–9, third through sixth graders at Mills Lawn School will perform Mary Kay Clark’s original theatrical adaptation of the children’s story, The Velveteen Rabbit…

  • 1% for Green Space healthy first year

    On the first anniversary of 1 Percent for Green Space, a program sponsored by the Tecumseh Land Trust, progress can be measured by funds raised and increased participation by local businesses. However, more important than the numbers, Barcus said, is the attitude of the business owners and the consumers, who willingly participate.

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