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Articles About Board of Education

  • Village seeks tenants for 201 Walnut Street

    An open house last week provided nearly two dozen inquiring villagers the opportunity to survey the 88-year-old building and ask Village Manager Josué Salmerón questions about his administration’s intent to lease the structure.

  • School board dives into ‘Sunshine’ rules

    The rules that Ohio’s school boards must follow in conducting a district’s business can be tricky to navigate, David Lampe, a partner with the Bricker & Eckler law firm, told Yellow Springs school board members during a recent board work session.

  • Board members, treasurer end tenures

    Grateful goodbyes and an official welcome were expressed Monday night, Dec. 20, during the Yellow Springs school board’s monthly business meeting, held in person in the Mills Lawn Elementary School gym and livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel.

  • 2021 Election results

    On Tuesday, Nov. 2, Yellow Springs voters weighed in on a variety of races and issues including Village Council, school board, Miami Township trustees, jail and school facilities levies, among other items.

  • Two election petitions rejected in YS school board race

    Two Yellow Springs School Board incumbents, Vice President Aïda Mehermic and first-term member Steve McQueen will not be eligible to run for office in the 2021 election cycle because their petitions were not certified by the Greene County Board of Elections, or BOE.

  • Yellow Springs schools— Plan addresses learning losses

    Concerned about the educational setbacks experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio Department of Education has required all districts in the state to submit a document detailing how they plan to assess and then address potential learning losses or delays.

  • Schools facilities improvements— How much could it cost?

    At a community outreach forum on Wednesday, March 17, local district leaders and the district’s architect consultant, SHP of Cincinnati, shared various tax options for funding school facilities improvements.

  • Schools facilities planning— District hones in on 4 options

    The effort to develop a master plan for addressing identified building needs in Yellow Springs schools is moving along quickly, with four project scenarios emerging as the district’s leading options.

  • School sports amid pandemic

    Although the Yellow Springs school district has yet to resume in-person classes, the athletic programs at YS High School and McKinney Middle School decided to field teams and conduct games as close as possible to regular season play.

  • Yellow Springs School board— Facilities back at forefront

    Administrators’ recent focus on pandemic-related school closures, and the accompanying transition to online instruction, drastically slowed the facilities conversation, but didn’t sideline it completely.

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