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Articles About Board of Education :: Page 2

  • Yellow Springs Schools— New academic year to begin online

    In a specially called meeting Saturday morning, July 25, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved a plan to restart the 2020–21 academic year online, with instruction to be presented by district teachers.

  • Village schools— New report card in context

    The state issued its 2015–16 district report card two weeks ago, and it received sound condemnation from Yellow Springs district Superintendent Mario Basora at the Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting on Sept. 8.

  • Board to discuss financial state of schools

    The community is invited to attend an open meeting discussing the 2010 education plan and the current financial state of the Yellow Springs public schools.

  • MLS principal resigns post

    In executive session last Thursday, Yellow Springs Board of Education members “received and accepted” a letter of resignation from Mills Lawn principal Christine Hatton. The letter cited “personal reasons” and was effective immediately. Board members said the resignation was not expected.

  • Armocida takes interim job

    On Wednesday, July 29, the Yellow Springs Board of Education approved former longtime Yellow Springs superintendent Tony Armocida as the district’s interim superintendent for one year.

  • Board of education — School collaboration sought

    At the June 11 Yellow Springs Board of Education regular meeting, board member Richard Lapedes announced the beginnings of a new pilot program to encourage collaborative inter-district programming throughout Greene County, spearheaded by Governor Strickland and Jane Dockery of Wright State’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA).

  • Glismann searches elsewhere

    Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Norman Glismann was named one of five finalists for the position of superintendent of Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District last week, according to a Springfield News-Sun article from Tuesday, May 12. This is the second superintendent position that Glismann, who just finished the second year of a three-year contract with Yellow Springs schools, has applied for this year.

  • A ‘Yellow Springs Promise’ to help with costs of college

    At the meeting of the Yellow Springs Board of Education on Thursday, May 8, board members heard a draft proposal for a new program aimed at both promoting higher education for local young people and attracting new young families to Yellow Springs.

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