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Articles About Community Resources

  • Different visions for CBE land in Yellow Springs

    Villagers remain divided in their vision for the 35 acres of land on the western edge of Yellow Springs known as the CBE, according to survey results presented at Village Council’s April 17 meeting by members of the Economic Sustainability Commission, or ESC.

  • Village Council — Citizens plan CBE moratorium

    At Village Council’s Sept. 6 meeting, Council was informed that a group of citizens is aiming to place a temporary moratorium on the proposed expansion of Village infrastructure to the entrance of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

  • Village Council moves ahead on CBE land

    At its Aug. 15 meeting, Viillage Council voted unanimously to accept the 35-acre parcel on the west edge of town known as the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, which was formerly owned by Community Resources.

  • Antioch University considers building sale

    As part of cost-cutting efforts, Antioch University leaders are looking into the best ways to make use of AU’s physical facilities on their five regional campuses.

  • CBE land to return to Village

    The 35-acre parcel of land at the center of the controversial Center for Business and Education, or CBE, will soon be returned to the Village, according to a representative from Community Resources.

  • In 80s, incubator boosted businesses in Yellow Springs

    One of Village government’s first attempts at revving up the economy involved hiring villagers Vicki Morgan and Phyllis Schmidt in 1986 as Yellow Springs Associates, in an attempt to improve the image of Yellow Springs to surrounding communities.

  • McKee Group holds forum— Villagers debate CBE funding

    About 100 villagers turned out last Thursday evening to discuss whether the Village should fund the Center for Business and Education, or CBE. The community forum was sponsored by the James A. McKee Association and took place at the First Presbyterian Church, with Jalyn Roe serving as moderator. The evening began with three representatives of […]

  • Village Council— First step toward CBE funding

    At their Dec. 2 meeting, Village Council voted to get more information on funding options regarding the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, by approving two resolutions that open discussions with an underwriter and a bond counsel.

  • Center for Business and Education funding: how much risk?

    If you build it, will they come? That question lies at the heart of the current debate over whether Village government should contribute about $700,000 to complete development of the CBE.

  • Council moves to fund Center for Business and Education

    At its Sept. 16 meeting, Village Council took a first step toward approving a Tax Increment Financing, or TIF, funding mechanism to pay for $700,000 in remaining costs for infrastructure development at the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

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