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Articles About Community Resources :: Page 2

  • Community Resources requests $656,000 to complete Center for Business and Education

    At Village Council’s Aug. 19 meeting, members of Community Resources requested that Council find a way to fund a financial shortfall so that the infrastructure for the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, can be completed next year.

  • Industrial park moves ahead

    Ground for the 35-acre Center for Business and Education industrial park on the western edge of the village may be broken as early as winter or spring 2012.

  • CBE could be ready in 2012

    Good fits for the new Center for Business and Education, or CBE, could be light manufacturers that make parts for wind turbines, or agricultural businesses that cater to people’s growing interest in local food

  • Council, YSCR future partners?

    What is the best strategy for economic development in Yellow Springs? What role, if any, should the nonprofit group Community Resources play in advising the Village on development? What stands in the way of Community Resources and Village Council working together?

  • Village Council — New economic sustainability group considered

    At their Jan. 4 meeting, Village Council members continued an extended discussion on how the Village should best address economic development by considering a proposal for an economic sustainability commission from Council President Judith Hempfling, and discussed concerns about a new ordinance establishing procedures to notify citizens about public meetings.

  • Village to lease Stutzman property

    In an interview this week, Cundiff said that, while Stutzman remained current with rent payments, he had not responded to a request from Council many months ago for a plan regarding how he planned to keep current with rent over the winter months. Stutzman’s lease is being terminated due to his not responding to Council’s request for a plan, Cundiff said.

  • With assistance, business can thrive in Yellow Springs

    According to the most recent business survey update sponsored by Yellow Springs Community Resources, the village is a pretty good place to do business. Business owners like the village’s location, personality and walkability, and even in a slumped economy, a number of local outfits plan to expand here. But business owners also perceive barriers to growth, including the cost of doing business in the village, the lackluster appearance of the central business district and the age-old concern with lack of parking space downtown.

  • Multiple options considered for economic advisory body— Community Resources role discussed

    Looking for economic development leadership in Yellow Springs, Village Council is considering multiple options, including using Community Resources as the village’s official community improvement corporation (CIC) if that group chooses to do so, establishing a more broad-based economic sustainability committee, or some combination of the two. As part of this discussion, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of Community Resources as the sole advisory body, given some villagers’ concerns about that group’s past projects. At the heart of these questions is a conversation about what sort of economic development is best for the village.

  • Role of Community Resources eyed

    At its Aug. 3 meeting Village Council began a discussion with leaders of Community Resources regarding whether that organization should be the Village’s designated community improvement corporation, or CIC.

  • Council tackles sustainability—Economic dialogue continues

    Should Village economic development efforts focus on strengthening local resources or working with regional partnerships? Should the bulk of money earmarked for development be used to pay a staff person, or instead to develop local resources? Is transparency appropriate to the economic development process?

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