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Articles About Growers Exchange

  • Green gardeners learn to grow

    Faith Morgan of Community Solutions started a monthly growers exchange, where expert local farmers will teach novice gardeners in exchange for a little farm labor. Here Morgan weeds her garden plot on East Whiteman Street, once tended by her grandfather, Arthur Morgan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)Faith Morgan of Community Solutions started a monthly growers exchange, where expert local farmers will teach novice gardeners in exchange for a little farm labor. Here Morgan weeds her garden plot on East Whiteman Street, once tended by her grandfather, Arthur Morgan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Gardening is not just for green thumbs any more. As more and more local neighborhood gardens sprout, the Growers Exchange offers a forum where seasoned local growers share their knowledge with novice gardeners in exchange for labor.

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