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Articles About Miami Township Zoning Commission

  • Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf terminated from position

    During the most recent regular meeting of the Miami Township Board of Trustees on Monday, Dec. 4, longtime Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf was terminated from his position, which he’s held for 24 years.

  • Township Board of Zoning Appeals— Chappelle shows granted variance

    The Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals gave the green light Thursday night, Aug. 6, to comedian Dave Chappelle and his team to continue presenting shows at a rural property north of the village.

  • Village Council— Zoning gets more flexible

    Village Council made a host of alterations to the Village zoning code during a special meeting Monday devoted to the current rewrite of the Village’s central planning document.

  • Planning Commission on zoning update— Gauging flexibility for work at home

    Tiny houses, home businesses and zoning for the now-closed Norah’s dominated the discussion of Planning Commission on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at a special meeting to continue to review the Village zoning code revision. The planners will hold a public hearing on the revision on Thursday, March 21. After that, the code revision will go to Council for further review and final approval.

  • Planning Commission— How small is too small for a home in town?

    How small is too small for a house in Yellow Springs? That question was one of several considered by the Village Planning Commission at a special Jan. 23 meeting as they reviewed the proposed revision of the Village zoning code.

  • Zoning plans for an eclectic town

    The Yellow Springs zoning code has been viewed as cumbersome and expensive to approve, and is currently in the midst of an overhaul.

  • Land plan to manage growth

    Open farmland is a precious feature of Miami Township, whose vast fields, streams and wooded areas many of its residents recognize as valuable and would like to keep. So they’re doing something about it by creating a land use plan for the township, which surrounds Yellow Springs, in hopes of guiding future development practices that preserve and protect its natural resources.

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