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Articles About tar hollow campboree

  • Tar Hollow is a place for friends

    These moms and kids, along with the rest of their families, are among those who will attend Tar Hollow on May 17–19. Pictured on the Mills Lawn playground are, from left in front, Eden Matteson with Violet; Victoria Rowe with Ainslie; Matteo Basora; Corrie Van Ausdal; Karla Horvath; and Alice Basora. In the tree are, from left clockwise, Carina Basora; Tiger Jane Collins (top); Jack Horvath; Hayley Rowe; Ashlea Rowe; and, turning away, Teddy Horvath. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    When Corrie Van Ausdal attended Tar Hollow as a child with her family, she felt as if everyone in Yellow Springs was staying in the rustic cabins perched on a hillside at the state park south of Chillicothe.

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