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Articles About Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association

  • Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association to host Fall Music Fest

    As the village drifts into autumn and the days get colder, the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association aims to bring area residents some musical warmth.

  • Youth orchestra’s grand finale!

    The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, or YSYOA, concluded its 2024 summer music camp Friday, June 28 with a Grand Finale concert at Yellow Springs High School. 

  • YSYOA seeks to enrich local music

    The board of the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association is launching a new membership drive. Shown above are board members, from left, Carolyn Ray, Shirley Mullins, Liz Blakelock and Cammy Dell Grote at the piano. Not shown are Jeff Huntington, Scott Kellogg and Dennis Farmer. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association hopes to rejuvenate its membership and generate interest in music across a broad range of villagers, both young and old.

  • Yellow Springs Summer Music Camp goes out on a high note

    Students and teachers alike perform last Friday, July 10, in the Yellow Springs Summer Music Camp orchestra. Pictured above are, from left, teacher Alex Moore, Antonio Chaiten, Sophie Hannes, Sean Adams and Adeline McKay. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Students and teachers alike perform last Friday, July 10, in the Yellow Springs Summer Music Camp orchestra. Campers will perform the “Grande Finale” concert at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 18, in front of Mills Lawn School, or in the gym in case of rain.

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