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Articles About charity

  • A day for community giving

    #YSGivingTuesday committee members, from left, Kathryn Hitchcock, Jeannamarie Cox, Dawn Boyer and Ara Beal, are preparing for the village’s second year participating in the charitable giving campaign that falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. While the initiative is focused on online giving, the local effort also will accept in-person donations from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    After collecting $75,000 in a single day last November, an effort to raise money for local nonprofit groups is returning to the village for a second year this holiday season.

  • Demand is up at food pantry for food and coats

    Recent donations piled up at the Yellow Springs Food Pantry at the United Methodist Church, which is seeing increased demand this year for food and household goods. The pantry is expecting a donation of 1,500 food items from Mills Lawn later this week. Non-expired non-perishable food can be dropped off at the church. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In Yellow Springs, those who serve the needy are seeing the holiday spirit of solidarity with generous donations of money, food and gifts from villagers so far this season.

  • Villagers share the holiday spirit

    The annual Share the Joy holiday gift-giving tree is going up soon at the YS Community Library. Pictured is Debbie Henderson, tending the 2012 Share the Joy tree. (Photo by Jeff Simons)

    What began more than 20 years ago with a small group of local volunteers collecting fruit baskets for low-income families has evolved into a program—Share the Joy—whereby struggling families in Yellow Springs can request essential gifts for themselves and their children.

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